Hello World! :)

Cornell Tech · Computer Science Ph.D. Student

I'm a second-year PhD student in Computer Science at Cornell, where I'm very lucky to work with Profs. Emma Pierson and Nikhil Garg. My interests lie broadly in the area of developing algorithms and machine learning methods to understand and address societal issues -- some topics I care about include systemic inequities, market inefficiencies, and group dynamics. I'm supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

In 2023, I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a B.S. in Computer Science and a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction. I was fortunate to work with Profs. Justine Sherry and Weina Wang on establishing worst-case bounds for adversarial attacks against networked systems, based on the packet scheduling algorithm and job size estimation heuristics used. I also spent a few semesters exploring other questions: characterizing how people make sense of bias in machine learning models and analyzing linguistic patterns in social media manipulation.


Work Experience

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)

Computer Science Intern
Positive Influence Award
1 out of ~200 interns selected for exceptional performance and leadership

I split my time evenly between two projects:

  • Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) aircraft readiness model: I performed analysis of the current model’s capabilities and limitations, examined the availability and usefulness of new feature data, and used these findings to develop a simple neural network (as a benchmark against the existing model).
  • Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS): I worked with another intern to design and deploy a full stack web application to support ACAS software development by categorizing and searching through data and historical records. We delivered multiple presentations to various interest groups: development and testing teams at APL, collaborators at MIT Lincoln Labs, and project sponsors.
Summer 2022

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Software Engineer Intern

I worked with another intern to develop software for monitoring telemetry data through NASA's Deep Space Network and create a webpage for visualizing and accessing relevant metadata in real time, intended for real world use on vehicles such as NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover.

Summer 2021

Teaching & Mentoring


  • Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science | Teaching Assistant (Fall 2021)

    Taught two recitation sections per week (created exercises for intuition and understanding), held weekly Office Hours, prepared & taught exam review sessions (to ~200 students each time)

Leadership & Mentoring

  • Carnegie Mellon Senior Leadership Recognition Award | 2023
  • Andrew Carnegie Society Scholar | 2022

    40 out of ~2000 students, selected by Dean and Professors for academic excellence and leadership

  • CMU C# CHOIR | President ('21-22), Vice President Internal (‘20-21), Design Chair (‘19-20, ‘22-23)

    Oversee all three branches of the largest singing organization at CMU (50+ members).

  • CMU BUGGY | Women’s Push Captain ('22-23)

    Recruit, organize, and lead a team of runners to push buggies at annual Spring Carnival (tradition of over 100 years!)

  • CMU TAIWANESE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION | Secretary ('21-22), Freshman Representative ('19-20)

    Manage event scheduling and organization-wide communication; help organize CMU Culture Night, which brings together over 10 diverse student organizations each year for cultural performances

  • CMU FIRST-YEAR ORIENTATION | Orientation Counselor ('21-22)

    Mentor 20 freshmen during their transition to college and throughout their first year at CMU, facilitate discussions about diversity, inclusivity, well-being, and identity, and work with students through the year to help with their integration into CMU’s academic and social environments


    Serve as an academic mentor and organize get-togethers with a total of 8 mentees


Some other things I enjoy doing and the evolving ways that I've continued to incorporate them into my life :)


A few examples of recent projects: drawing, painting & working on construction for an annual booth at CMU Spring Carnival, making gifts, and serving as Design Chair for my choir! You can find more of my past work here :)
bean booth shoes poster


I grew up playing the piano and clarinet (here's a photo from a football game in high school!); in college, I started singing and learning to play the guitar :)
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I played soccer and ran (a few times at Hayward Field!) competitively for many years -- I've tried to stay active in college by playing club soccer and intramural sports, and pushing buggies through the streets of Pittsburgh!! I also recently started rock climbing.
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